I saw an interesting tweet last week and I just had to reply:
(if you cannot read this, click this URL for the thread: https://twitter.com/ImSoSarah/status/1527404132436303873 OR the following is the exchange)
Sarah White: Recruiter on LinkedIn just posted he refuses to hire someone who says something like “happy to chat, let me know availability” in the email or inmail vs a more formal response. I’d fire the recruiter who thought that not the candidate who did it. Am I crazy? (On this issue)
Me: Most recruiters/sourcers would be happy with any response! After all, most recruitment begins with a chat vs. a formal conversation.
Sarah White: When people are like “Hello Ms White, I would like to express my interest in …” It almost raises more (red flags) than “hey saw the post would love to chat – here my LinkedIn”
I was quite perplexed that a recruiter felt that a more formal response was necessary. I understand there is a time and a place for formality, but when you are cold reaching out to someone and expect a formal reply I believe you are setting the bar way to high.
Our job as recruiters and sourcers is to drive engagement. My perspective it while yes, I may be working on a specific opening, I want to know more about you and what your experience is as well as what motivates you to take a next step.
Retainment is just as important as recruitment.
Recruiters can fill jobs. Sourcers can fill jobs. But the goal has to be finding individuals that want to stay in that company. Having said that, retainment should not be a recruitment metric! I believe employee retention is critical, but there are many reasons why retention either happens or does not happen. This is out of talent acquisitions scope of work. This is a broader discussion for another day.
I believe we need to have chats. We need those “get to know each other” conversations for
- recruiters to learn about a person and their motivation to take a next career step
- individuals to learn about the organization, the group/team, the motivation for the role existing
A formal conversation may say a lot more about a company culture than you may realize and in a world of work flexibility and hybrid situations, being able to convey that culture is just as important.
What do you think about conversation structures and their formality? Hit up the comments!